Leaving from a selection of harbors throughout the southern New England coast, these inshore trips offer light tackle and fly fishing for striped bass, blue fish, false albacore and bonito. We also offer bottom fishing trips for black sea bass, scup and fluke.
20’ SeaCraft-by request only
Half day (4 hours) - $500
Full day (7 hours) - $800
(2 angler maximum)
*Deposit required at booking
23’ Formula
Half day (4 hours) - $700
Full day (7 hours) - $1000
3 anglers, additional anglers $100 each
(6 angler maximum)
*Deposit required at booking
Guided trips on your boat-700$
Equipment and tackle supplied
Leaving from a selection of harbors throughout the southern New England coast, offshore trips offer an eye opening experience. Using primarily spinning gear, we target Atlantic blue fin, white marlin, yellow fin tuna and various shark species.
Custom 23’ SeaCraft
Full day (8 hours)* $1,700-
Reel full day (12+ hours)* $2,200-
3 anglers, additional $400 each
*Deposit required at booking